Guided city tour
Get to know all about the rich history of Visby! Our entrusted university guide will take you on a walking tour around the city and tell you all about its ups and downs.
This is a great chance to familiarize yourself with our little town and learn why it is such a special place.
The tour is expected to begin at 16:30 on September 23rd. Unfortunately the number of participants is limited to 50.
Meeting point is in front of Almedalens Library. You can find a map here
Ice Breaker
To start the seminar off right, we will have an ice breaker event, where you can get to know the other Participants in a less formal atmosphere.
The ice breaker takes place from 17:30 - 19:30, September 23rd at Donners event (see the map). We will be served drinks and some snacks.
Arild VĂ¥gen, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons